Read about Roxana Dina

Roxana Dina
Information Systems Officer
Business Facilitation, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
What brought you to a career in technology at the United Nations?
It was one of my first jobs. You could say it was luck! The noble aspect of the work we are doing at the UN is what has kept me here for the past 10 years. In the end, our jobs are about improving the lives of people across the world and that gives me a great deal of contentment.
What has been your favorite IT project at the United Nations and what was your technical contribution?
By far my favourite project is eRegistrations which is an online platform that allows government officials to digitalise their administrative procedures. The project is still ongoing and my role is to coordinate its development. We have been working on the system for a few years now and there are always new and exciting challenges ahead. It is also rewarding to see the impact it has in the countries where it has been implemented, for example in Bhutan where entrepreneurs can register their business in minutes.
What advice would you give women interested in pursuing a field in technology?
My main advice for women starting their careers in technology is to be confident! It is a field where most ideas can be tested beforehand and where sometimes trying out is more constructive than spending time finding the perfect solution. You can be wrong safely!