Read about Omoayena Odunbaku

Omoayena Odunbaku
Human Settlements Officer
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
What brought you to a career in technology at the United Nations?
Developing spatial maps for human settlements requires baseline data and mapping. These maps are often cumbersome, so the adoption of cloud technology for storage, Geographic Information systems (GIS), and Computer-aided drawing tools for data collection and design.
Integrating work from home, multiple functions of spaces, tell commuting, etc entail the adoption of the internet, the internet of things, driving more engagements in citizens' participation in the development of their human settlements, especially the urban areas. Technology helps me as a project manager to focus on contextualized designs for communities, that achieve a higher degree of self-sufficiency, especially with interaction with the Government, donors, private sector, academia, and all relevant actors.
What has been your favorite technology project or initiative at the United Nations and why? What was your contribution?
“The Aba City Plan. "I Oversaw data collection, especially generating and vectorizing a base map from scratch.
What advice would you give women interested in pursuing a field in technology?
Go for it! It will certainly increase your efficiency.