Read about Nussara Ruengjirachuporn

Nussara Ruengjirachuporn
Information Systems Assistant
Information Management, Communications and Technology Section, Division of Administration, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
What brought you to a career in technology at the United Nations?
I am passionate about IT, particularly in the context of the United Nations. It is a large organization with a diverse range of technology professionals working on exciting and challenging projects. The UN provides rewarding opportunities for professional growth in various areas, such as digital transformation, AI, machine learning, IT support, data analysis, cybersecurity and software development.
What has been your favorite IT project at the United Nations and what was your technical contribution?
Automation projects are my favorite IT projects because I get to participate in them end-to-end, starting from understanding the client's problems and requirements, to designing, implementing, delivering, and providing training. At ESCAP, I have been focusing on digital transformation since 2020 and have successfully replaced many manual tasks with digital processes. For instance, I have automated contract extensions, transferred working with Excel files to work on web-based systems, enabled online registration for parking and online Corporate Credit Card approval process. I find it rewarding to help improve traditional processes and make them more efficient with the help of technology.
What advice would you give women interested in pursuing a field in technology?
Have confidence in your abilities and potential. Don't be afraid to pursue your goals. It's important to continuously update your skills and stay current with new technologies to remain competitive in the tech industry.