Read about Matilde Triguis Gonzalez

Matilde Triguis Gonzalez
Programme Officer (ICT Programme & Budget Coordinator)
Information and Communications Technology Service, United Nations Office at Geneva
What brought you to a career in technology at the United Nations?
I have a PhD Docteur ès sciences économiques et sociales, mention systèmes d'information ("Docteur ès sciences économiques et sociales, mention systèmes d'information")
What has been your favorite IT project at the United Nations and what was your technical contribution?
I have been involved in so many favorite IT projects in my career that it is difficult to choose, so, I will say my current project to coordinate, control and monitor mandates and programme for the ICTS subprogramme, specifically the budgetary allocations to services. My technical contribution is to support its design.
What advice would you give women interested in pursuing a field in technology?
Go for it! Be confident in your capability to change the world. IT is a wonderful but unforgiving field as you always need to keep learning, but it will keep you young. Show off your accomplishments, don't be shy. Help other people, fight for gender parity, study the UN and your office mandates and get involved in it. Know the budget process (follow the money) and propose IT innovations that will help achieve the UN goals.