Read about Amina Majid Yar
Amina Majid Yar
Management Information Systems Assistant
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
What brought you to a career in technology at the United Nations?
My interest in technology has kept me on the cutting edge of new technologies. I was determined to keep honing my skills and working with an international organization where I could feel safe and not worry about my privacy. The UN is an excellent place to work for professional and motivated IT experts, and it offers a professional working environment, particularly for women. This motivated me to join the UN and work in such a professional institution to advance my career and help other women in my society.
What has been your favorite technology project or initiative at the United Nations and why? What was your contribution?
The UN-Habitat project management system was the most important and enjoyable project I worked on at the United Nations because I used many different and the latest technologies to develop it. I conducted extensive research and worked tirelessly to create a functional and useful system for my organization. In the system, the program staff should regularly update their work. They should upload all the information about all the activities into the system. The information includes photos, documents, or maps. Furthermore, managers and team leaders can easily obtain all information about current tasks from the system. As a result, project management and monitoring can become simple and standardized. System development and management were my primary responsibilities.
What advice would you give women interested in pursuing a field in technology?
I sincerely encourage all women interested in technology to pursue their dreams with zeal and dedication. Do not be swayed by political or social circumstances, because one of the benefits of technology is that our objectives are not limited by time or place. Utilize YouTube and educational websites to become acquainted with the world's most recent technologies.