On Wednesday 25 May, the Secretariat of the United Nations was informed that multiple dignitaries received unsolicited messages purporting to originate from UN senior management. These communications took the form of "Signal" messages and fraudulently stated that they were to inform the recipient that a senior management official was reaching out to them using their “personal number”.
ICT News and Announcements
Following the successful implementation of the Field Remote Infrastructure Monitoring (FRIM) (Phase 1) in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) last February, UNGSC’s Unite FRIM team organized an awareness workshop at the request of mission leadership.
The Unite FRIM is an innovative, operational planning and oversight platform that enables UN entities to monitor infrastructure systems.
The Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) is pleased to announce that, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Informatics of the European Commission (DG DIGIT) and Moodle, it is launching a series of innovation challenges in the framework of the “Open Source Software for Sustainable Development Goals (OSS4SDG)” initiative.
Last November, United Nations Global Service Centre (UNGSC) and the United Nations Regional Service Centre in Entebbe (RSCE) field technology trainers conducted an intensive Micro Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) training course for the Mozambique National Institute of Disaster Management (INGD) and the Associação Moçambicana de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (AMOVANT), among others.
UAS can be used for search- and-rescue operations, to monitor and assess critical infrastructure, to provide disaster relief by transporting emergency medical supplies to remote locations.
The United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine (UNISPAL) website is an online collection of texts of United Nations resolutions, documents and publications concerning the question of Palestine, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and other issues related to the Middle East situation.
With such a high volume of current and historical content, finding information can be challenging.
GIS Day is observed on 17 November to commemorate spatial and geographic technologies and to promote awareness of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or Geographic Information sciences.
Youth development is a cross-cutting theme in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With the launch of Youth2030 in 2018, the United Nations strategy on youth, the United Nations has explicitly highlighted the need for expanded global, regional and country-level action to address the needs, build the agency, and advance the rights of youth across the world, ensuring we leave no one behind.
By definition, open source development is collaborative, inclusive and revolutionary—and open software has become ubiquitous. Whenever we are online, we are benefiting from open software. It powers the cloud, and is in supercomputers, blockchain, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.
The Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and the Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) announced the winner of the recent Unite Ideas / Financial Crime Data Challenge, which sought a model for financial crime data correlation. The winning solution titled “Preventing the Financing of Terrorism by Engineering an ML Model with Financial Crime Data” was provided by
The 2030 Agenda recognizes that the spread of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and global interconnectedness has great potential to accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, to bridge the digital divide, and to develop knowledge societies.
Using a shared or public computer in libraries, internet cafes and airports can be convenient and is sometimes necessary but there is always the risk of exposing yourself to a number of security threats. It is critically important, therefore, that you take extra precautions to safeguard your sensitive information.
Follow these safety tips when using a public or shared computer to keep your private and work information safe.
Attended by over 70 participants, the second Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Social Good (KG4SG) featured an amazing variety of applications of knowledge graphs as well as lively discussion by our speakers and panel of experts.
By Lambert Hogenhout, Chief of Data, Analytics and Innovation, OICT | This paper aims to provide an overview of the ethical concerns in artificial intelligence (AI) and the framework that is needed to mitigate those risks, and to suggest a practical path to ensure the development and use of AI at the United Nations (UN) aligns with our ethical values.
The UN signals training programme has prepared military and police Information and Communications Technology (ICT) specialists for service since 2016. It now offers an expanded curriculum on UN Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C4); Intelligence - Surveillance - Reconnaissance (ISR); and Camp Security technologies to better meet the needs of peacekeeping.
Land related issues can be one of the underlying causes of armed conflict and human rights abuses; in Afghanistan, for example, land management is at the center of many of its urban challenges, with more than 80 percent of city properties not registered with municipal or national land authorities. When possession rights are unclear, landowners can be dragged into property disputes.
The United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and Accenture Labs are co-organizing a conference on Knowledge Graphs for Social Good (KG4SG) on 3 May. It is targeted to practitioners of knowledge graphs methods, related domain subject matter experts, and anyone working to leverage knowledge graphs for social good.
NEW YORK, 25 January (Office of Information and Communications Technology) — On 24 January 2021, to celebrate the International Day of Education and to contribute to free and accessible education towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations and the International Cartographic Association released a joint publication entitled "
NEW YORK, 11 June (Office of Information and Communications Technology) — The United Nations is relying heavily on information and communications technology (ICT) to respond to the COVID-19 crisis while continuing its important work. The Security Council meets by video teleconference, and the Secretary-General holds media interviews with journalists sitting in different rooms, sometimes in different cities. United Nations staff all over the world rely on video platforms for virtual meetings and townhalls in this time of social (physical) distancing.
NEW YORK, 05 June (Office of Information and Communications Technology) — The United Nations announced the winners of Unite Ideas Reboot the Ocean challenge.
The challenge was launched as a collaboration between the UN Global Compact and the UN Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT).
NEW YORK, 21 May (Office of Information and Communications Technology) — As Italy confronts the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have had to explore new ways of teaching through distance-learning techniques. In this context, the Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) is proud to announce that the Unite Maps team in the United Nations Global Service Centre in Brindisi, Italy conducted a humanitarian mapathon in March.
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The deadline for participants to submit ideas for the third edition of the Open Source Software for Sustainable Development Goals (OSS4SDGs) Hackathon has been extended to 1 October
The United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) is developing an AI governance framework and a matrix and guidance note to use generative AI within the UN.
The Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) is excited to announce the third edition of the Open Source Software for Sustainable Development Goals (OSS4SDGs) Hackathon.
The Seventh Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping International Symposium was held last week in Kathmandu, Nepal, by the Department of Operational Support (DOS) and the Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT). It was hosted in cooperation with the Government of Nepal and the Department of Peace Operations (DPO).
The Department of Operational Support (DOS) and the Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT), in cooperation with the Government of Nepal, will host the 7th Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping International Symposium in Kathmandu, Nepal (13-16 June).
The United Nations Digital and Technology Network met in May in Washington, D.C. to discuss hot technology topics among UN System Chief Information Officers.
The Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) sign the Declaration of Intent on development of Digital Transformation and Technology Innovation ecosystems to ensure a more strategic framework for cooperation for a sustainable, reliable and safer world.
Web3 is an emerging technology, a new vision for the web, that promises to shift power from Big Tech to users. Learn more about what Web3 is, and how it is relevant to the United Nations and its goals. The one-hour event is open to all who are interested in learning more about what Web3 is, and how it is relevant to the UN and its goals.
Technology increasingly sits at the intersection of many aspects of our lives: how we work and learn, how we interact with the people in our lives and the world around us, and how we access and consume the products and services we use every day. Diversity in engineering and technology is critical to ensuring different perspectives are considered when we identify and solve problems with technol
The data needs for the 2030 Agenda are great. Geospatial data provide insights for decision-making. And it presents an opportunity to represent the world and its challenges. The rapid pace of geospatial technology advancements, such as increased automation, the internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, improves our knowledge of those challenges.