Unite Paper | A Framework for Ethical AI at the United Nations

By Lambert Hogenhout, Chief of Data, Analytics and Innovation, OICT  |  This paper aims to provide an overview of the ethical concerns in artificial intelligence (AI) and the framework that is needed to mitigate those risks, and to suggest a practical path to ensure the development and use of AI at the United Nations (UN) aligns with our ethical values.

The overview discusses how AI is an increasingly powerful tool with potential for good, albeit one with a high risk of negative side-effects that go against fundamental human rights and UN values. It explains the need for ethical principles for AI aligned with principles for data governance, as data and AI are tightly interwoven. It explores different ethical frameworks that exist and tools such as assessment lists. It recommends that the UN develop a framework consisting of ethical principles, architectural standards, assessment methods, tools and methodologies, and a policy to govern the implementation and adherence to this framework, accompanied by an education program for staff.

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For more information, contact the author: Lambert Hogenhout

Lambert Hogenhout is Chief Data, Analytics and Innovation at the Office for Information and Communications Technology (OICT) in the United Nations Secretariat. He has 25 years of experience working both in the private sector and with international organizations such as the World Bank and the United Nations. He leads technical teams and policy research in the areas of innovation, data, AI and knowledge management. Recently he has focused on the ethics of data and AI.

"Informing and Capturing UN Technological Innovation"

Unite Papers is a new initiative, led by the Policy, Strategy and Governance Division of the Office of Information and Communications Technology, that aims to publish papers and briefs to inform and capture UN technological innovation. These can cover the range of theories, practices, proposals, experiences, outcomes, and consequences of technologies relevant to Organizational mandates to share ideas, insights and lessons with UN colleagues.

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