Read about Diana Yambo

Diana Yambo
Telecommunications Assistant
Field Technology Section, United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan
What brought you to a career in technology at the United Nations?
I joined the technology sector in the United Nations to contribute to the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals. I wanted to achieve making the world a better place for everyone regardless of one’s gender or status. I joined the UN to demonstrate, as a woman, my potential, skills and ability to accomplish great things. The UN opens doors for the global empowerment of women, girls and other marginalized groups which is why I did not want to miss this important opportunity. Lastly, the UN serves as the podium where my voice is heard. I can voice my stance on issues such as gender inequalities, occupational segregation, gender wage gaps, discrimination and freedom of expression.
What has been your favorite IT project at the United Nations and what was your technical contribution?
Developing Diagrammatic Chart for Motorola UHF/VHF Tetra Hand-held Radio was my first favourite small project in the FTS Telecommunications unit. As a Hand-held Radio Trainer, I developed the chart which indicated all parts of the UHF/VHF Tetra Hand-held Radio with all their operational functions. I also developed a User Training Manual (UTM) for all UHF/VHF radio users in the mission. The training manual helps the user understand how to initiate a radio call to the Base Station or direct to another radio. The technical guide chart provides great support for the radio users in the UNMISS.
What advice would you give women interested in pursuing a field in technology?
I would advise women to pursue careers in technology in even greater numbers, because they have already made impactful contributions to the digital world. Women should explore studying computer science, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Data Scientist and Space Exploration to promote diversity throughout the IT field.