Read about Alfonsina Del Mar Ruiz

Alfonsina Del Mar Ruiz
Information and Communication Technology Associate
Information and Communication Technology, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Venezuela
What brought you to a career in technology at the United Nations?
As a Systems Engineer, I had applied for several jobs in the technology area; however, those that I liked the most had the limitation that they were only for men. Since the United Nations and its support for women in the technology sector, the efforts of diversity and inclusion, as well as equity in all work areas, has created job opportunities such as ICT Associate. In 2020, I applied for this position at the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Venezuela, which was a great opportunity. Now, I feel included and respected. The United Nations has allowed me to grow professionally in the area of technology through its programs, initiatives and training opportunities.
What has been your favorite IT project at the United Nations and what was your technical contribution?
Solving the communication challenges to technologically set up the OCHA office in Venezuela. It has not been easy due to the country context we are facing; however, through planning and with the support of UN agencies in the country, we have successfully faced adversities and achieved our objectives.
What advice would you give women interested in pursuing a field in technology?
I always remember these words of my maternal grandmother: Women can, should and deserve. Women, technology is the most effective tool we have now to fight against gender discrimination and improve our living conditions; therefore, I advise you: Empower yourselves in technology, put aside your fears, take risks, experiment, break with the perception that women's efficiency is low when using technological tools. Be optimistic about the future of technology and its ability to improve women's lives. Solidarize with campaigns that promote gender equality and the participation of women in technology, this way we will be more successful and we can ascend to leadership positions related to technological areas.